Sunday, September 25, 2011

Yesterday, I was at Porter Square to get my glasses fix. Whenever I'm in the area, I always stop by Porter Exchange. Inside are various small Japanese restaurants. No matter if I was eating sushi or ramen, afterwards, I will always stop by Japonaise Bakery.

Over the past two to three years, I find the quality of their products have dropped since the first time I was there. Despite this tiny issue, their pastry and baked goods are still more to my palette's liking than most other places.

This time I ordered Ichigo Cream. Ichigo is Japanese for strawberry. This is simply puff pastry filled with custard cream and strawberries. 

Ichigo Cream is one of those pastries that are so simple to make but I wouldn't be bothered to make it at home. Maybe when the next strawberry season comes by I'll give this a shot.

If you ever stop by Japonaise Bakery, do give their Izuki Cream and Chocolate Horn a try, if Ichigo Cream is not available.


  1. This is a great source for me to find new stores to visit. That looks like a great treat. Guilty pleasures!

  2. Looks so good! I'll have to keep an eye out for this place.
