Thursday, October 6, 2011

Many Merry Cafe au Lait Memory

Every time I get a cup of crappy coffee, I'm reminded of the best cup I've ever had. Sadly it was not found in the US, but overseas. I went to Paris a few years ago (god, it was so long ago). I was waiting for a shop to open, and since it was February at the time, it was freezing out. There was only this tiny cafe that was opened, so I just went in.

The shelter of the cafe and the smell of coffee immediately melted all my frozen senses. Every customer before me ordered espresso, but that was just too strong for me. I just settled for a cafe au lait. From just the smell, I knew it was going to be really good...and it was the best.

I guess I captured the name of the cafe.

1 comment:

  1. It's real chilly outside so reading this is already twice as pleasant. <3 coffee.
